Changing Weather and Skincare


Warm weather is on the horizon, and with the change of season comes a change of skincare. No matter your skin type, concerns, or routine; changing up your skincare when the weather is getting warmer or cooler can be game changing!

With warmer weather comes more outdoor activities, which means more sweat and dirt, and more sun exposure! Cleansing your skin twice a day with a gel or foam cleanser , and exfoliating regularly will be key to preventing clogged pores, breakouts, texture, and extra oil in the skin. Depending on your skin type a lighter, oil free moisturizer in warmer months will prevent unwanted oiliness and shine throughout the day. For added moisture, hydrating facial sprays are a super easy product to carry around with you and apply as needed!

Even though you should be wearing SPF every day, be sure to keep up on your application during the summer months. SPF should be applied roughly every two hours, and should also be applied to the neck, decolletage (cleavage), and the back of your hands.  Our spa offers a variety of skincare for all skin types. Stop in and speak with one of our amazing estheticians about which product is right for you!


When transitioning into cooler weather, your main focuses for your skin should be hydration, protection, and prevention. In a dry climate moisture evaporates from your skin a lot quicker causing dryness, irritation, redness, flaking, and other adverse reactions. Cutting back on harsh, sudsy cleansers greatly improves your skin’s ability to create natural oils, and retain moisture! Instead, opt for a creamy or milky cleanser that doesn’t strip your skin. In the cooler months, extra care should also be taken to avoid excessive hot water in your shower and harsh exfoliants. Heavier cream based moisturizers will help retain moisture and in some cases can pull moisture from the air to help your skin stay hydrated and plump! If during the winter months you notice your skin is looking more dull than usual, chemical exfoliant or gentle physical exfoliant are the perfect way to freshen up that weather worn skin.

Product choice is not always easy, but we love to find just the right combo for you and your skin!


Changing your skincare routine doesn’t have to be a big or expensive process. Simply switching out two to three products when the seasons are changing will save your skin from irritation, dryness, and breakouts caused by weather. If you are unsure about which products would benefit you most, stop by St. George Day Spa and ask any of our licensed professionals what they think would be best for your skin! We love seeing new guests in the spa, and want to help you achieve your skin goals!