Stretching to Maintain Your Massage

Stretching to Maintain Your Massage

If you’ve ever gotten a massage, you’ve probably heard your massage therapist tell you to “drink lots of water and do some light stretching”. Stretching after a massage helps to relieve tension and improves circulation and flexibility. But what about between your massage visits? Your muscles start to fall back into old habits and tense up, causing aches and pains all over again. Stretching between massages will help to alleviate pain and tension and will also help to preserve the benefits of your massage.

Here are 5 easy stretches to do at home to maintain your massage!

Child’s Pose

On your hands and knees, press your chest as close to the ground as you can. Stretch your arms out in front of you, with your palms pressed into the ground. Widen your stance to alleviate any discomfort in the hips. This stretch is great for stretching out your hips, thighs, ankles and back. 



On all fours, align your body so that your knees are in line with your hips. Place your hands directly under your shoulders and relax your spine. As you inhale, slowly drop your mid-section and raise your chin and tailbone upward. On the exhale, slowly tuck your chin and arch your back up towards the sky. Repeat a few times slowly to stretch your back and neck.


Seated Chair Stretch

Start by sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Scoot forward so your back isn’t touching the chair. Sit up straight, and bring one leg onto the other creating a figure 4. Bend forward slowly to stretch. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds, and slowly lower your leg. Repeat with the other leg. Do this as many times as you want to specifically target sciatica pain.


Single Knee to Chest

Lie on the ground and bring one single leg to your chest, or as far as possible. Hold for 10 seconds and slowly lower the leg. Repeat with the other leg. This stretch relieves compressed spines and stretches your hips.


Arm Extensions

Stand up to make sure your spine is aligned. Slowly lift your arms over your head. One at a time, reach your fingertips higher and higher towards the sky. While your arms are extended, slowly and gently lean side to side. You should feel this stretch in your ribs and obliques. Slowly relax your arms back down to the side.